The successful control of invasive alien species and the implementation of measures to prevent new introductions require public support. Our research and activities focus on:
- Public perceptions of alien species
- Effectiveness of awareness campaigns
- Education and communication
- LINVEXO (Learning environment INVasive EXOtic species)
Example publications
- Verbrugge, L.N.H., J.J.C.W. van Delft, B.H.J.M Crombaghs, S.J. Bouwens & W. Bosman, 2017. Belang van publiekscommunicatie voor succesvolle bestrijding van invasieve exoten. De Levende Natuur 118: 222-22
- Verbrugge, L.N.H. & A. Rutenfrans, 2016. Preventie door kennisoverdracht. Tijdschrift Milieu 4: 36-37 [PDF]
- Verbrugge, L.N.H., R.S.E.W. Leuven, J.L.C.H. van Valkenburg & R.J.G. van den Born, 2014. Evaluating stakeholder awareness and involvement in risk prevention of aquatic invasive plant species by a national code of conduct. Aquatic Invasions 9: 369-381. [Link]
- Van den Born, R.J.G. & L.N.H. Verbrugge, 2013. De maatschappelijke beleving van exoten. NATURA 110: 12-13 [PDF]
LINVEXO (Learning environment INVasive EXOtic species)
LINVEXO (Learning environment INVasive EXOtic species)
LINVEXO is an 3D multimedia-application suitable for classroom and individual training on impacts and management of invasive alien species. It consists of an introductory lesson and two in-depth lessons focusing on (1) ecology and (2) the control of invasive species. The teaching manual and worksheets for these three lessons can be downloaded from the NVWA website (in Dutch).
Contact person
- Riyan van den Born, Radboud University (
- Martin Drenthen, Radboud University (