Early detection and monitoring of alien species are the foundation of effective alien species management. The NEC-E applies traditional and innovative detection methods and is therefore fully equipped to carry out this type of research:
- Environmental DNA (eDNA)
- Surveying and monitoring by experts and volunteers
- Research into vectors that facilitate alien species’ travel to the Netherlands and spread after arrival
- Research into historical distribution patterns
Example publications
Beringen, R., B. Odé & A. van Vliet, 2016. Analyse trend en hotspots Alsemambrosia [Link]
Hollander, H., 2016. Verspreidingsonderzoek muntjak. Verspreidingsonderzoek muntjak Muntiacus reevesi – januari t/m maart 2016. Rapport 2016.05. Bureau van de Zoogdiervereniging, Nijmegen
Hoogen, D. & B. Crombaghs, 2012. Verspreidingsonderzoek Italiaanse kamsalamander (Triturus carnifex). Natuurbalans – Limes Divergens BV, Nijmegen.
Leuven, R.S.E.W., et. al., 2009. The river Rhine: a global highway for dispersal of aquatic invasive species. Biological Invasions 11 (9): 1989-2008. [Link]
Martel, A., et al., 2014. Recent introduction of a chytrid fungus endangers Western Palearctic salamanders. Science 346 (6209): 630. [Link]
Pârâu P.G., et al., 2016. Rose-ringed parakeet Psittacula krameri populations and numbers in Europe: a complete overview. The Open Ornithology Journal 9: 1-13. [Link]
Valentini, A., et al., 2016. Next-generation monitoring of aquatic biodiversity using environmental DNA metabarcoding. Molecular Ecology, 25: 929–942. [Link]
Contact person
Jeroen van Delft, RAVON